Mobile Trade-Ins


When a customer needs to trade in a phone, there are several things to check. First, confirm that the basic functions of the phone work correctly. Is the screen working properly, free of dead spots and pixelization? Is there any physical damage present anywhere on the exterior of the phone? This means scratches, cracks to the screen or camera lenses, liquid residue, charging port issues, or hard key problems. Inspect the phone carefully for any of these issues. Press all hard keys and ensure they move smoothly and are not stuck. Check not only the front and rear bezel of the phone, but along the edges and around the charging port. The next item to check is that the phone has been factory reset, and that phone finding features have been disabled and user accounts removed. Then, ensure the charging port functions for both data transfer and charging. Confirm this visually by connecting to a charger. Ensure that there is no damage or swelling of the battery, or unexpected loss of power. Lastly, ensure that the customer owns the device to be traded in, that the device is not leased, and that it is not on a banned list of any kind. If there is a balance remaining on a leased device, the customer will be responsible for the balance. For all other questions, please consult the FAQ at

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