Washer isn't draining...
5C and OC error codes on a washing machine's display typically indicate a water draining error. What do you do in this situation? Well, the first thing to check is the level. If the washing machine's not level, water can have a hard time leaving the tank. Then, check the drain hose inserted into the wall and be sure it's not kinked or damaged in any way. Also no drain extension kits should be used. You should also inspect this hose for debris, and be sure it's not forming an airtight seal where it meets the wall. This can create a vacuum effect and affect drainage. And also check the insertion into the wall - the hose needs to be six inches into the wall, no more and no less! For installations in which the washing machine drains into a wash basin, the hose outlet should be between two and three feet from the floor. And for front load washers, be sure you clean the pump filter monthly.